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Showing posts from January, 2016

Build a fan base without spamming!

Here are some ways to build your fan base up without having to spam. Once you have a solid fan base for your music, things start to fall into place for you. Your music career will start to see some doors opening before you know it. Subscribe to our Youtube channel-----------> Download our Ebook on how to release your own music at  Upload your music to for worldwide promotion. All genres.

How to avoid writers block! Songwriting 101

Every singer/songwriter goes through writers block at some point. Here are some basic tips to get out of your funk. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel----------------> Download our Ebook on how to release your own music at

How to promote your music in other cities

As an indie artist, you will need to get out of the local mentality. You need to expand to other cities and states in order to gain new fans, and become a nationally know artist or band. Subscribe to our YouTube channel----------------------> Be sure to download our Ebook at

Branding yourself as an artist in music!

Discovering your "brand" as an artist or band, will help your music career, and help build your fan base as a recognizable force. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel---------> Download our Ebook called How To Release Your Own Music: A Step By Step Guide , at

Make more money with your music in 2016

The music industry is changing everyday. Now is the time to take control, and start making real money with your music. Subscribe to our Youtube channel----------------> Download our Ebook "How To Release Your Own Music" at Upload your music to for worldwide promotion!